Changes Happen Virtual Retreats
Do you ever feel trapped by the limitations of your own mind?
Freeing yourself from the you of the past can bring your true self and all the potential inside you to the surface.
Kim has been leading retreats and transforming lives for almost 30 years. Her charismatic style and compassionate nature ensure the experience is never forgotten.
“Uplifting” and “inspiring” are two words often used to describe Kim’s retreats. Participants leave having made positive, life-enhancing changes; free from limiting beliefs; and in awe of their own transformation.
“What I gained from this course was the window to my true self and the guidance to live with purpose.”
Lorraine, Therapist. Bristol, England.
You’ll leave with a renewed sense of possibility as well as exercises, reminders, tools and practical ideas to keep yourself on track and enhance the work you’ve done.
And, most importantly, you’ll leave with a commitment to yourself to make the best use of what you learned in every aspect of your life.
Which Journey of Self-Discovery Will You Choose?
Imagine yourself free from limitations…
In this Virtual Retreat you will learn how to find peace with your emotions to use them as a navigational tool to the life of your dreams.
By using your emotional world as guidance you become free from painful entanglements and gain the inner wisdom to propel you forward into the life of your dreams.
What does freedom look like for you?
The Life of Your Dreams Starts Inside Your Own Mind…
Throughout your life, you’ve collected a set of beliefs about yourself. Some of those beliefs are healthy, while others are quite damaging. And, unfortunately, both are imprinted on your subconscious.
This course has helped hundreds of people overcome their limiting beliefs and find their path to purpose.
Who could you be if you weren’t holding yourself back?
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
So many of us convince ourselves this is the life we want. We don’t pursue our dreams because we’re scared. This fear forces to maintain the status quo of our current lives. We don’t believe that’s good enough for someone with your potential.
During this course you will learn a variety of tools and techniques to identify and overcome the places where fear holds you back.
If you could pursue your path with bravery, where would it lead you?